
Version: 0.10.4 Type: application AppVersion: 3.8.0

A Helm chart for installing Resoto in Kubernetes.

Important: This project is currently not being maintained. If you are interested in taking over as a maintainer, please reach out to us at


Source Code


Repository Name Version arangodb(kube-arangodb) 1.2.26 common(common) 2.4.0 prometheus 18.1.0


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Configure node affinity for all pods.
arangodb object {"operator":{"deployment":{"externalAccessType":"None","mode":"Single","spec":{},"tlsCASecretName":"None"},"enabled":false,"replicaCount":1},"persistentVolumeClaimSpec":{"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"resources":{"requests":{"storage":"50Gi"}}},"version":"3.10.4"} Install ArangoDB operator as dependency.
arangodb.operator object {"deployment":{"externalAccessType":"None","mode":"Single","spec":{},"tlsCASecretName":"None"},"enabled":false,"replicaCount":1} See: for a list of possible configuration values.
arangodb.operator.deployment object {"externalAccessType":"None","mode":"Single","spec":{},"tlsCASecretName":"None"} Defines the ArangoDB deployment and database.
arangodb.operator.deployment.externalAccessType string "None" Should the database externally accessible.
arangodb.operator.deployment.mode string "Single" The ArangoDB deployment mode. Can be either “Cluster”, “ActiveFailover” or “Single”.
arangodb.operator.deployment.spec object {} The arangodb specification.
arangodb.operator.deployment.tlsCASecretName string "None" Secret name that holds the ArangoDB certificate authority.
arangodb.operator.enabled bool false The ArangoDB operator is helpful for more complex deployments. Default is disabled, while a single instance database deployment is performed.
arangodb.operator.replicaCount int 1 Replication count for Operator deployment.
arangodb.persistentVolumeClaimSpec object {"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"resources":{"requests":{"storage":"50Gi"}}} The size of the volume for the database data.
arangodb.version string "3.10.4" The version of ArangoDB to use.
fullnameOverride string "" In case you want to override the generated fully qualified application name.
image object {"tag":""} Image tag used for all resoto components.
image.tag string "" The specific component version always takes precedence.
imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The image pull policy
imagePullSecrets list [] In case you use a custom repository which needs secrets.
nameOverride string "" In case you want to override the name of this chart.
nodeSelector object {} Configure node selectors for all pods.
podAnnotations object {} Configure annotations for all pods.
podSecurityContext object {} Configure the security context on the pod level.
prometheus object {"enabled":true,"server":{"persistentVolume":{"size":"50Gi"},"retention":"730d"}} Configure the prometheus component. Type helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus for a list of possible configuration values.
prometheus.enabled bool true You can disable the Prometheus dependency by setting this to false.
prometheus.server object {"persistentVolume":{"size":"50Gi"},"retention":"730d"} Define attributes for the Prometheus service.
prometheus.server.persistentVolume object {"size":"50Gi"} Define the persistent volume properties.
prometheus.server.persistentVolume.size string "50Gi" Size of the persistent volume.
prometheus.server.retention string "730d" Duration to keep time series data.
psk string "" Defines the private shared key that is used to secure the communication between the components. If the value is not set, a random key is generated. You can get the psk from the secret resoto-psk.
replicaCount int 1 Defines the number of workers to run in parallel. Only increase this number, if you know what you are doing.
resotocore object {"extraArgs":[],"extraEnv":[],"graphdb":{"database":"resoto","passwordSecret":{"key":"password","name":"arango-user"},"server":"http://graph-db-server:8529","username":"resoto"},"image":{"repository":"","tag":""},"ingress":{"annotations":{},"className":"","enabled":false,"hosts":[{"host":"chart-example.local","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]}],"tls":[],"useHttpsService":false},"overrides":["resotocore.runtime.start_collect_on_subscriber_connect=true"],"resources":{},"service":{"port":8900,"type":"ClusterIP"}} Configuration for ResotoCore.
resotocore.extraArgs list [] Use this section to define extra arguments
resotocore.extraEnv list [] Use this section to pass extra environment variables
resotocore.graphdb object {"database":"resoto","passwordSecret":{"key":"password","name":"arango-user"},"server":"http://graph-db-server:8529","username":"resoto"} This defines the access to the graph database
resotocore.graphdb.database string "resoto" The name of the database to use
resotocore.graphdb.passwordSecret object {"key":"password","name":"arango-user"} The secret to get the password from
resotocore.graphdb.passwordSecret.key string "password" The secret key to get the password from string "arango-user" The secret name to get the password from
resotocore.graphdb.server string "http://graph-db-server:8529" The complete url of the graph database
resotocore.graphdb.username string "resoto" The name of the user to connect
resotocore.image.repository string "" Image repository
resotocore.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
resotocore.ingress.annotations object {} All annotations for the ingress. In case the ingress controller is configured to use HTTPS, the following annotations are defined by default: className =~ nginx: - see: - “” is set to “HTTPS” by default.
resotocore.ingress.className string "" The class of the ingress. If omitted, the configured default ingress class is used.
resotocore.ingress.enabled bool false In case you want to expose the service outside the k8s cluster, you can use an ingress.
resotocore.ingress.hosts list [{"host":"chart-example.local","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]}] Ingress host configuration.
resotocore.ingress.useHttpsService bool false Configure ingress to talk to the service via HTTPS. If enabled, the ingress controller needs to be configured for that. Turning it on without additional user configuration, will most likely render your ingress unusable! Since this configuration is specific for the ingress controller implementation, it can not be provided by this chart. Please refer to the documentation of your ingress controller for further information.
resotocore.overrides list ["resotocore.runtime.start_collect_on_subscriber_connect=true"] Use this section to override configuration values
resotocore.overrides[0] string "resotocore.runtime.start_collect_on_subscriber_connect=true" start a collect cycle automatically when the first collector is connected
resotocore.resources object {} Define resources requests and limits for this pod.
resotocore.service.port int 8900 Port of the service to expose. Two services will be created: resoto-resotocore:8900 (HTTPS) and resoto-resotocore-http:8900 (HTTP)
resotocore.service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service. ClusterIP is only reachable within the cluster. If you want to make your installation available outside the cluster, consider setting up an ingress or use type LoadBalancer.
resotometrics object {"extraArgs":[],"extraEnv":[],"image":{"repository":"","tag":""},"overrides":[],"resources":{},"serviceMonitor":{"enabled":false,"interval":"30s","scrapeTimeout":"25s"}} Configuration for ResotoMetrics.
resotometrics.extraArgs list [] Use this section to define extra arguments
resotometrics.extraEnv list [] Use this section to pass extra environment variables
resotometrics.image.repository string "" Image repository
resotometrics.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
resotometrics.overrides list [] Use this section to override configuration values
resotometrics.resources object {} Define resources requests and limits for this pod.
resotometrics.serviceMonitor object {"enabled":false,"interval":"30s","scrapeTimeout":"25s"} Prometheus serviceMonitor configuration
resotometrics.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Whether a Prometheus serviceMonitor should be created
resotometrics.serviceMonitor.interval string "30s" Metrics scrape interval
resotometrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout string "25s" Metrics scrape timeout
resotoworker object {"extraArgs":[],"extraEnv":[],"image":{"repository":"","tag":""},"overrides":[],"resources":{},"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]} Configuration for ResotoWorker.
resotoworker.extraArgs list [] Use this section to define extra arguments
resotoworker.extraEnv list [] Use this section to pass extra environment variables
resotoworker.image.repository string "" Image repository
resotoworker.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
resotoworker.overrides list [] Use this section to override configuration values
resotoworker.resources object {} Define resources requests and limits for this pod.
resotoworker.volumeMounts list [] Use this section to define volume mounts for the worker
resotoworker.volumes list [] Use this section to define volumes of the worker
securityContext object {} Configure the security context on the container level.
serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":""} Define and configure a service account that used by Resoto.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations list [] Configure toleration’s for all pods.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.13.1